We invite you to gather in Golden Gate Park September 14th - 16th to transform space and create community. Together, we will work towards transitioning away from the dominant paradigm and bringing about a better world. You are invited to teach a workshop, facilitate a discussion, share a skill, play music, make art, cook a meal, or simply be. E-mail TheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com to offer and schedule activities and events. Check TheHumanBeing2012.blogspot.com to see what others will be sharing. Thank you!
-Space TranSFormers
The Ever-Expanding Schedule
Saturday, September 15th
12 p.m. Thunderground Collective
Saturday, September 15th
1-2 p.m. Object Manipulation
Poi, Rope Dart, Staff, Buugeng
1:30 p.m. Creating Community With Music
Sunday, September 16th
1:30 p.m. Creating Community With Music
3-4 p.m. Object Manipulation
Defend our green spaces!
Haye's Valley Farm, the Free Farm, and the HANC Recycling Center, Community Garden, and Native Plant Nursery are all facing eviction.
Save Golden Gate Park!
For more information on these permaculture sites and community gardens, see:
Haye's Valley Farm
The Free Farm
Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council Recycling Center, Community Garden, and Native Plant Nursery
The Ever-Expanding Schedule
Saturday, September 15th
12 p.m. Thunderground Collective
Saturday, September 15th
1-2 p.m. Object Manipulation
Poi, Rope Dart, Staff, Buugeng
1:30 p.m. Creating Community With Music
Sunday, September 16th
1:30 p.m. Creating Community With Music
3-4 p.m. Object Manipulation
Poi, Rope Dart, Staff, Buugeng
The First Amendment to the Constitution permits this activity: "No law abridging the freedom of speech…or the right of the people to peacefully assemble."
We are taking direct action to transform physical space, and thereby, each other's consciousness and experience in the world.
Your participation is key and will make this offering to each other something special.
Please bring materials to help us build a better world together:
a personal bowl, utensil, and drinking vessel
Please Contact the following teams of point people and coordinators to offer and schedule activities and share your skills
-Food - FoodATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Music - MusicATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Art - ArtATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Films - FilmsATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Outreach - OutreachATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Skill Shares, Workshops, Meal Shares - ShareATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Gardening - GardenATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Medical - MedicsATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Ceremony - CeremonyATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Sanitation - SanitationATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Games - GamesATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Volunteer - VolunteerATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-BARQ (Bay Area Rapid Questions) - BARQATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Kids - KidsATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Tech - TechATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
-Communications and Schedule - CommsATtheHumanBeing2012@GMail.com
The Food Bank of America action was revitalized by the Space TranSFormers on Thursday, June 26th at 3pm at the Bank of America at 23d and Mission. We will continue to give away boxes of free fruits and vegetables on Thursdays and demonstrate the possibility of a different world where free farms stands replace corporate banking monopolies and abundance replaces scarcity.
Check out our friends in Seattle putting together
Everything For Everyone August 11th and 12 Seattle, WA
the Beacon Hill Forest Garden
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